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22 February 2010

nikah awal...berbaloikah??

bile ada anak2 kite (anak kite? aku x kawen lg..hik3) yg ckp die nk kawen awl and time tu lak they still studying, mak bpk kompem akn melatah giler2 punyer,,,,kenape ini berlaku...??o,0
mari kita lihat persepsi parent @ msyrkt trhdp konsep nikah....
sblm anda lihat persepsi msyrkt trhdp konsep nikah...anda lihat persepsi anda sndr...
im very sure dgn persepsi anda trhdp nikah nh mesti kene duduk serumah, sudah ada kerja dan mesti ada anak....jika slh satu drpd 3 tu x complete, anda rasa perkahwinan itu x akan berkekalan...kan3??
hmmm...itu la yg saya nk kongsi pndpt saya ttg hal nie...pd mula2 nyer...my mentality was juz like u all but then i realize that we cant use this concept nowadays...
lagi2 zmn yg penoh dugaan maksiat nh...
bg saya konsep nikah ini adlh utk membina sebuah keluarga islam sekaligus utk menghasilkan rmi lg zuriat muslim yg akn meneruskan syiar islam,merapatkan hubungan antara sesebuah keluarga ngn keluarga yg laen dan akhir skali utk menghalalkan hubungan antara 2 or g yg berkasih ( male & female la of course)
here..i juz wana stress on the third couses which is to menghalalkan hubungn 2 org yg berkasih...
well...nowadays ramai yg mula jumpe cinta depa time blaja..berbanding ngn org dulu..percentage nk jumpe cinta time blaja lbh rendah dr skrg nh..
klu zmn dlu ,most of them mula knl cinta sbb direcommendedkan oleh sedare mara depa sndr
and depa pun terus direct set into their mind tok jadikan that girl or boy as their future pouse.
terbalik pula dgn new generation nowadays, some of them x berniat pun nk p cri pakwe or makwe but the love itself instilled into their heart n they cannot ignore that nor throw away because the feeling of love juz allah jer yg bley wujudkan, but we as human juz can make it bigger or smaller.setuju tak?
once one fall in love, it is hard to make them pretend to ignore it.
so time2 blaja tu la gak they ve to fight for their love, ditambah lak ngn tentangn from family
waduh....malang sungguh nasib pasangan tuh...di sini, bolehkah kita slhkan org yg tlh jatuh cinta tuh? tentulah tidak boleh krn hanya allah sje yg dpt menghilangkan dan mewujudkan perasaan cinta.
dlm hal nie..sbg ibu bapa, kita harus bantu anak2 kita menghadapi dugaan maksiat ni..
saya faham mak bapak tentu risau akan mslh yg akan ank mereka hadapi di alam perkahwinan awal mereka due to the lack of money. dan mak bapak juga risau akan pembelajaran ank mereka terganggu.
masalah ini dpt diatasi dgn melangsungkan nikah khitbah
berkhitbah ialah satu perkara yg biasa dilakukan org2 di timur tgh sane...
terutamanyer pelajar2 yg melakukan khitbah ini.
khitbah same spt nikah normal cume mereka x perlu tggl bersama. tidakkah ini indah dlm islam?
ibu bapa tidak perlu lg risau akan nak perempuan mereka jika mereka mengandung ketika masih berkuliah, dan tidak perlu lg ibu bapak pengantin lelaki utk risau jika anak mereka msh belum bekerja.
dr segi hubungan antara pasangan pula, mereka tidak lg terbelenggu dlmdosa mereka sendiri, serta tidak lg perlu mencari seribu alasan utk menipu ibu bpk perihal hubungan atau dating mereka.
mereka bebas utk bergaul tanpa rase takut. sekaligus tidak mengganggu konsetrasi pelajaran mereka. sblm ini, mereka tidak focus dlm pelajarn selagi mereka msih merasa takut utk kehilangn pasangan masing2 serta sibuk mencari jln utk mereka meneruskan perhubungan mereka...
jd fikir2 kanlah...
tidak saya bermaksud utk mamberi galakn kpd pelajar terutamanya ipta n ipts utk meneruskan perhubungan n bernikah d awal umur, anda perlu berfikir dhulu utk segala tindakan. dan juga saya tidak bermaksud utk menggalakkan pernikahan di bawah umur...
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21 February 2010

why muslims should face kaaba??

sesetengah org hanya pndg fizikal kpd sesuatu..begitu juga ngn mecca. sstgh org mempersoalkn nape tnh suci adlh kt mecca n y not at somewhere greeny or cold??

that is y u need to see this video...the relation between number 1618(not year) with kaaba location, our body, and quran verses

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sex education

actually,it is not sex education i wanna write bout...
its bout satu kisah yg berlaku pd satu ceramah sex education di cfs iium pj tersayangku...
saya x p forum tuh..tp i heard diz rumour from others..i heard dat penceramah tu mrh bdk2 cfs yg p forum tu coz diorg wat bunyi2 bising..ha? xkn wat bising pun dh mrh giker2 kot...?o.0
hmm...for yo infrmtion pncrmh tuh x mrh diorg wut bising tp die mrh mind set bdk2 tuh..
alkisah nye...biasa la klu dh name pun crmh sex education mustila its bout relationshp and sex... kt slide show die..ade la gmbr2 18 sx but then, stdnt lak wat bunyi2 cam uuuuuu...~pastu gelak2 n sengih2...sehingga mnybbkn si pncrmh terganggu..akhirnye die mletup...die mrhkn stdnt tu coz x open minded n not matured yet....
which side r u? for me..im at the pncrmh side coz she rite...those yg dtg tuh..x set their mind first b4 entering the hall or perhaps diorg x tau wut the purpose of dat crmh..they juz attend the forum becouse of the tittle is intrstng and cummonly related with teenager's desire...
dear my friends, sorey if one of u yg attend the forum terase but dat my opinion..
u all tau x,mentality most of the malaysian youngsters did not parallel with those in third class country...
when we heard anythng bout sex,we directly set that was dirt and prohibit
or if anyone wanna have a talk bout sex (for some purpose like wanna share their sex prob)
we surely reject them...
it is true dat we should not think bout sex always, i mean we have to control that desire by control every sense of human such hearing,looking,tasting, etc
but for education purpose, we should not ignore it..if yo intention is correct..so that evrythng u do....umar al khatab said...inna ma a'mal binniah..
means..evry job we do depends on our intention...
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hiST0ry 0f FReeMasoN

klu anda nk saya senaraikan segala apa yg mereka dh lakukan, terlampau byk utk disenaraikan..kenape? kerana mereka bukan sedikit, bukan baru lg tetapi segala aktiviti mereka sentiasa berterusan sejak beribu tahun lalu! dan mereka mempunyai rangkaian manusia yg plg besar,cuba anda bygkn, diorg nyer organization management sgt teratur and proffesional, they took their role on their part seriously and they can move by their own eventhough alone without other member..seriously i said its soo scary if u recognize them.
namun, dipendekkan cerita to all these corruptions sume berpunca dr zmn firaun mesir purba..
pernah anda terfikir kenape dlm quran allah selalu menekankn ttg kekejaman dan kejahilan firaun?? byk lg kejahatan di dunia ni..tp firaun selalu mndpt perhatian didlm quran..
inilah sbb nye...
the story begin with..
sebuah buku yg ditulis 2 org anggota freemason, christopher knight and robert lomas,bertajuk the hiram key mendedahkan beberapa fakta penting ttg asal usul gerakan freemason. menurut depa, freemason adlh kesinambungan drpd gerakan Templar.
and the templar ni plak tlh menaganut doktrin yg mereka sndr temui di kuil sulaiman (jerusalem) iaitu kabbalah...
wut is kabbalah? nntkan...
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falsafah2 freemason yg tlh didedahkan dan ditolak...~
ia adlh satu drpd organisasi rahsia yahudi yg berkerjasama dgn syaitan2 utk mambantu dajjal melaksanakan misi utama mereka utk mengawal dunia known as the new world order dgn cara mengamalkn ritual2 pelik atau pendek kata sihir (kabbalah)
myb some ppl feel it is soo nonsense if i said the genius jews corporate with satan or entity since they are soo genius and they know how to differentiate between the reality and fantasy..for some extent they are right
i will explain the relation between jews, dajjal and satan. for now lets taaruf with these bizare organization...
one thing i really want all my friends to do...could u spend one day to discover your surrounding and tell me if u find these symbols :a pyramid with eye on the top, checkered floor, star of six vertex, compass, double pillars with letter j and b on it, obelisk etc...all these are their symbols..its everywhere! wake up!
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dun let yo soul trapped...??...

nape my blog tittle like dat? coz the first thing came into my mind when i want to create my own blog is becoz i realise dat world become cruel, human being controlled by the world leader`s deception, and becoz i want ppl realise of their new agenda..
penah dgr x perkataan keramat nh: freemason, illuminaty, the new world order, etc?? for some ppl yg follow these agenda,those worlds were too common for them..
but here, my focus is toward my friends especially new generations out there and my intention is juz wanna let them know bout this..
these top secrets have been revealed long time ago and i study bout them through books and networks of course..mmg dh lame terlintas nk kongsi ilmu nh kt korg tp ape kn daya...i forgot my blog's password..hehehe :p
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17 February 2010

huhhh,,,terpakse la wat blog baru,,,

iiiiii,,,,,huhu,,,terharu tol aq,,,akhirnye dpt gak masa tok wat blog baru coz blog yg b4 nih,,lupe password! wahahahah!,,x lawak pown sobonaqnye,,mintak maap la yer all my followers,,,hik8 insyallah lps abeh final exam nih i will share all my knowledges with u all ok,,,
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