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09 October 2011


Manusia - Eh, dah subuh dah?
Malaikat - Bangunlah wahai anak Adam, tunaikan solat subuh mu
Syaitan - Alahhhhhh, sekejaplah, mengantuk ni...awal lagi ni..zzZZz

Manusia - Nak makan, laparlah ..
Malaikat - Wahai Anak Adam, mulakanlah dengan Bismillah....
Syaitan - Ahh, tak payahlah... dah lapar ni ! makan saja..sedapnya

Manusia - Hari ni nak pakai apa ye?
Malaikat - Wahai anak Adam, pakailah pakaian yang menutup aurat.
Syaitan - Ehh, panaslah, tak ada style langsung, nampak kampung!

Manusia - Alamak, dah lewat!
Malaikat - Bersegeralah wahai manusia , nanti terlewat ke pejabat.
Syaitan - Ahhh? awal lagi?mmm..aaahh? suruh si X punchkanlah?

Manusia - Azan sudah kedengaran.. ..
Malaikat - Wahai anak Adam, bersegeralah menunaikan kewajipan
Syaitan - Baru pukul berapa.. rilex lah..awal lagi ni.

Manusia - Eh, eh.... tak boleh tengok ini, berdosa..
Malaikat - Wahai anak Adam, alihkanlah pandanganmu, sesungguhnya Allah Maha Melihat dan Maha Mengetahui !
Syaitan - Perggghh... best tu...rugi ooo kalau tak tengok ni.

Manusia - Saudaraku sedang melakukan dosa
Malaikat - Wahai anak Adam, cegahla ia..
Syaitan - Apa kau sibuk? Jangan jaga tepi kain orang, lantak dia lah

Manusia - Elok kalau aku sampaikan nasihat ini kepada orang lain
Malaikat - Wahai anak Adam, nasihat-menasihati lah sesama kamu..
Syaitan - Sendiri pikirlah, semua dah besar, buat apa susah2...pandai2 lah

Manusia - Aku telah berdosa..
Malaikat - Wahai anak Adam, bertaubatlah kamu, sesungguhnya Allah Maha Pengampun.
Syaitan - Tangguhlah dulu, lain kali boleh bertaubat... muda lagi kan..lagipun hidup hanya sekali..rugilah..(kalau sempatla)

Manusia - Kalau pergi, mesti seronok!
Malaikat - Wahai anak Adam, kakimu ingin melangkah ke jalan yang dimurkai Allah, berpalinglah dari jalan itu.
Syaitan - Jangan bimbang, tiada sesiapa yang tahu...Jomlahhh !

Manusia – Uuhhh..letihnya harini..tak solat lagi ni.
Malaikat - Wahai anak Adam, taatilah Allah dan RasulNYA, kebahagiaan di dunia dan akhirat untukmu. Solat itu wajib bagimu.
Syaitan - Hey anak Adam, ikutilah aku, kebahagiaan di dunia (sahaja) dan kebahagiaan diakhirat untukmu nanti ada juga (jangan mimpilah!)

Sekarang anda mempunyai 3 pilihan :
1. Anda – Patut ke aku biarkan article ini tetap di sini saja??
2. Malaikat - Ingatkan pada kawan yang anda kenal..sebarkan lah !
3. Syaitan - Tak payahlah sibuk2 ..biar je disini..kalau, boleh delete je..bukan mereka nak bace pun...

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01 October 2011


Very Shocking....... .
This is a real story of a young college girl who passed away last month in
Shah Alam.
Her name was Priya. She was hit by a truck.

She was working in a call center. She had a boy friend named Shankar.

Both of them were true lovers. They always talked on the phone.

You would never find her without handphone. In fact she also changed her
cell connection from Maxis to Digi , so that both of them can be on the
same network, and save on the cost. She used to spend half of the day
talking with shankar. Priya's family knew about their relationship. .
Shankar was very close to Priya's family as well. (Just imagine their love)

Before she passed away she always told her friends 'If I pass away please
burn me with my handphone' she also said the same thing to her parents.
After her death, people cld'nt carry her body, A lot of them tried to do
so,but still can't. Everybody had tried to carry the body, the results were
the same.
Eventually, they called a person known to one of their neighbours, who can
speak with the soul of dead person and who was a friend of her father.
He took a stick and started speaking to himself slowly..
After a few minutes, he said 'this girl misses something here.' Then her
friends told that person about her intentions to burn her with her phone.

He then opened the grave box and place her phone and sim card inside the
casket. After that they tried to carry the body. It was then moved easily
and they then carried her into the van.
All of us were shocked. Priya's parents did not inform Shankar that Priya
had passed away..

After 2 weeks Shankar called Priya's mom.....

Shankar :.....'Aunty, I'm coming home today.. Cook something nice for me.

Don't tell Priya that I'm coming home today, I wanna surprise her.'

Her mother replied..... 'You come home first, I wanna tell you something
very important.'
After he came, they told him the truth about Priya.
Shankar thinks that they were playing a fool. He was laughing and said
'don't try to fool me - tell Priya to come out, i have a gift for her.
Please stop this nonsense'.
Then they show him the original death certificate to him.
They gave him proof to make him believe. (Shankar started to sweat) He
said... 'Its not true.. We spoke yesterday.. She still calls me.

Shankar was shaking.
Suddenly, Shankar's phone rang.. 'see this is from Priya, see this....' he
showed the phone to priya's family. all of them told him to answer. he
talked using the loudspeaker mode..
All of them heard his conversation.
Loud and clear, no cross lines, no humming.
It is the actual voice of Priya & there is no way others could use her sim
card since it is nailed inside the grave box

They were so shocked and asked for the same person's
(who can speak with the soul of dead person) help again. He brought his
master to solve this matter.

He & his master worked for 5 hours.

Then they discovered one thing which really shocked them....

Digi has the best coverage
'Where ever you go, our network follows!!!'

Don't shout at me . . . I am also looking for the idiot who sent me this
mail....peace no war..he3.
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