21 February 2010


falsafah2 freemason yg tlh didedahkan dan ditolak...~
ia adlh satu drpd organisasi rahsia yahudi yg berkerjasama dgn syaitan2 utk mambantu dajjal melaksanakan misi utama mereka utk mengawal dunia known as the new world order dgn cara mengamalkn ritual2 pelik atau pendek kata sihir (kabbalah)
myb some ppl feel it is soo nonsense if i said the genius jews corporate with satan or entity since they are soo genius and they know how to differentiate between the reality and fantasy..for some extent they are right
i will explain the relation between jews, dajjal and satan. for now lets taaruf with these bizare organization...
one thing i really want all my friends to do...could u spend one day to discover your surrounding and tell me if u find these symbols :a pyramid with eye on the top, checkered floor, star of six vertex, compass, double pillars with letter j and b on it, obelisk etc...all these are their symbols..its everywhere! wake up!