03 May 2011

Things You Would Never Know Without Indian Movies

>>1. A man will show no pain while taking the most ferocious
>> beating but will wince when a woman tries to cleanse his
>>2. The hero cannot fall in love with the heroine(vice versa)
>> unless they first perform a dance number in the rain.
>>3. Once applied, make-up is permanent, in rain or in any other
>> situation.
>>4. Two lovers can be dancing in the field and out of nowhere,
>> 100 people will appear from God-knows-where and
>> join them in the dance.
>>5. In the final scene, the hero will discover that the bad guy
>> who he is up against is actually his brother and
>> the maid who looked after him is his mother and
>> the chief inspector is his father and the Judge is his
>> uncle and so forth.
>>6. Key English words used in the movie (usually said out loud
>> between sentences) are No Problem!, My God!, Get Out!,
>> Impossible!, Please forgive me!
>>7. They drop down on the ground and roll and roll while singing
>> and come out with different clothing.
>>8. They can run around the coconut trees, singing, batting
>> eyelids, and throwing glances at each other and
>> changing clothes all at the same time without being out of